Salutations, Reader.
While refreshing the game designs of the StarArena® circa 2014. I also decide to breath new life into the ‘Oldest’ running physical project of my trademark characters. The original TOY prototypes had been in the archives for twenty years, before I definitely decided to upgrade these also, with the intent to build an army of Toy Soldiers. Far from an expert in model making and totally ‘irked’ by setbacks during development, I do manage to finish the ARCHETYPE_A and cast MEGA-TOY_SERIES: A in 2017.

After Cloning, Body Modifications and Reconstructive Surgery of the Early Toy Editions, a New Master Clone rose from the ashes and became the start of the: Antebellum Editions!! Spawning two complete sets (2 x 8) and ‘three’ extra toy clones that were used for exploratory research & development of the ‘Other Half’ of the Art Form: Packaging!
Resulting in the: TOY_ZERO, ANGEL & DEMON, Custom Toy Packs. The Soldier & Outlaw_Sets remained on display in the studio, but with the arrival of Series_B, have been replaced and Set 1 & 2 have now come exclusively available via the ‘Dutch Graffiti Library’.
This ‘Batch’ or ‘Toy Set’ is first in a line of productions that aims to make the ultimate TOY Master. This ARCHETYPE_A is the cast model and needed for reproduction if ever it becomes a commercial product. For now all Toy Sets are ultra rare and collectible handcrafted limited editions made by the Creator himself. All this in the pursuit of designing the Ultimate Toy! What can I say, besides; Get Yours Today!
The ARCHETYPE_A brought forth these #AtomicBabyClones:
TOY_ZERO: Donated to the Dutch-Graffiti-Library.
Set_0/ Series_A: ANGEL & DEMON, Goodies & Baddies Pre-Release.
Set_1/ Series_A: Soldiers, Ultra-Toys: #001 ~ #008/128. Casted in 2017.
Set_2/ Series_A: Outlaws, Ultra-Toys: #009 ~ #016/128. Casted in 2017.

See The Making-Of: Toy-Series_A On